Beijing time on February 21, 22:00, the 23rd round of Serie A, AC Milan vs Inter Milan. Match Points: This season's Serie A has reached 22 rounds, AC Milan 15 wins, 4 draws and 3 losses with 49 points ranked second, Inter Milan 15 wins, 5 draws and 2 losses with 50 points ranked first. Defending champions Juve dropped out, the Milan duo became the favorites to win the title, now only a 1-point difference between the two teams, the two teams have been close to the score, the head-to-head dialogue will have a profound impact on the situation of the championship. If Milan wins, they will return to the top of the table, and if Inter wins, they will further widen the gap. Milan's recent form has been up and down, with only 2 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses in their last 6 matches in all competitions. They have scored 45 goals and conceded 25 so far in the season, a relatively balanced attack and defense. As the team's top scorer, Ibe scored 14 goals in 12 league appearances and sent one assist, second only to Crowe and Lukaku on the Serie A scoring list. Inter's recent performance has been relatively stable, with 4 wins and 2 draws in the last 6 rounds of league matches, and all of their last 8 home matches were wins. 54 goals were scored and 24 goals were conceded in 22 league matches, making them the best in Serie A. Lukaku, as the team's top scorer, scored 14 goals in 12 league appearances, with 1 assist. Lukaku, as the team's top scorer, scored 16 goals and sent 4 assists in 21 league appearances, ranking first in the Serie A top scorer list with Crowe.
知名宿将费迪南德在访谈中直言,利物浦当属本季欧冠争冠行列中的佼佼者。回顾近期的赛事,利物浦以六战全胜的傲人战绩,力克赫罗纳,欧冠小组赛的表现令人瞩目。面对提问,费迪南德回应道:“依利物浦当前的态势,他 -
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曼联传奇球星路易斯-萨哈在访谈中直击要害,对队友拉什福德的场上表现与心理状态进行了深入剖析。萨哈强调,作为一名前锋,拉什福德需深刻认识到进球对球队胜利的巨大贡献,更应在球队困境时挺身而出。同时,他也直 -
据《太阳报》披露,警方针对安东尼奥的车祸进行了深入分析,已将酒驾和毒驾的嫌疑一一排除在外。报道指出,事故现场未发现安东尼奥有超速行驶的迹象,因此,这起车祸很可能仅仅是偶然事件。一位知情人士透露:“经过 -
北京时间12月11日凌晨,欧冠联赛第6轮,维拉客场激战莱比锡,最终以3-2的比分逆转取胜。赛后,维拉球星巴克利在采访中畅谈了关键进球的心境,以及球队的氛围。“作为一名替补,我的使命就是不懈地追求奇迹。 -
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凌晨时分,欧冠第6轮战火重燃,利物浦客场以1-0险胜赫罗纳。赛后,利物浦铁卫罗伯逊在俱乐部官方访谈中,畅谈了对这场胜利的见解。罗伯逊难掩喜悦,直言六连胜的佳绩:“没错,连续六场胜利,这样的成绩简直无可 -
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