Ivan Levan (1926-), Portuguese soccer player

Dovski vs. Mbappe

The praise can be heartfelt. In an acceptance of the Paris

In an interview with The Man, Lewandowski praised Mbappe's performance on and off the field.

"Mbappe is a very intelligent person and he has a very clear idea of what he wants to do." Lewandowski said. He continued, "If you compare Mbappe to other players, you will see that he speaks a different 'language'. He is now showing young players that soccer is not the only thing that matters. He's also a role model when it comes to personality, showing that it's not just what you do on the pitch that matters, but also what goes on in your head."

Lewandowski further emphasized Mbappe's intelligence and clarity of thought: "The path he takes is clear. On and off the field, he is smart. I sensed this when I first met him a few years ago and it impressed me. With Mbappe, you can talk about a lot of things. If you talk to him, you know he's a very serious person."

Lewandowski's comments show his admiration for Mbappe and highlight his leadership and intelligence off the soccer field.

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