Manchester United has 120 million pounds (about 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars) to increase the budget this summer, but a few days ago has spent 55 million pounds to buy Chelsea midfielder Mason Monty, the sale of players, now only 1.6 million pounds of income, in other words, have to double the 66.6 million pounds (about 666 million Hong Kong dollars) funds can be used to sign Halikani and other star scorer plan, I am afraid that can not be realized.

Man Utd boss Tannhäuser has been hoping to sign a top striker, and his targets include Halikani, Horant, Vitor Osenhan, Golou Mei Ani, Drykalu Ramos, and it is reported that the price of Binfiga's goal scorer, Drykalu Ramos, has reached 69 million pounds, which is already more than the Red Devils' available funds for purchasing.

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