巴西球星尼马今年2月重伤收咧,不过场外是非依然不断,早前被踢爆背住大肚女友Bruna Biancardi偷食,搞到要公开道歉请求原谅,之後亦陆续有女性公开曾被尼马「搭讪」。Bruna嘅妹妹Bianca日前喺IG疯狂炮轰尼马,估唔到因而上位,IG粉丝暴增40万!
Nima's girlfriend Bruna Biancardi is a famous model, and her sister Bianca is of course also as good as she is. However, Nima's "auntie's" IG account was originally set up as a private one, but recently it was suddenly made public, and she used thousands of words to launch a fire at Nima, accusing the Brazilian striker of "refusing to grow up", "childishness", and "lack of respect for others", which caused her sister to suffer a lot.
Bianca's IG went public with her shocking comments and her followers surged by 400,000 in one day. Apart from the fact that she is just as beautiful as her sister, Bianca's defense of her sister by firing at Nima has also made a lot of fans happy. Bruna Biancardi has reportedly forgiven Nima and is ready to welcome the new baby together.