Former Manchester City star Benjamin Wendy recently appeared in court again to defend himself against sexual assault charges. The former French World Cup champion made a shocking statement in court that he had had sexual relationships with 10,000 women, a comment that caused a heated debate on the Internet.

Bantjie Wendy's case has been ongoing for some time, as he was accused of sexually assaulting a number of women with a friend between 2020 and 2021, but earlier this year he was found not guilty of seven charges, while the other two charges of rape and attempted rape are due to be retried.

This retrial, Ban Chit Man Wendy said in court: "I have had sexual relations with 10,000 women", which spoke out that was zoomed in by the netizens, there are netizens with his count: "He is 28 years old this year, when he was 16 years old and began to have sexual intercourse, 12 years have not stopped, every night are 2.2 women first."

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