The British media statistics England national team members wealth, found that Manchester United striker Rashford Department of the richest, worth as much as 65 million pounds (about 650 million Hong Kong dollars), ranked No. 2 by the Manchester City over the stall Chelsea's Staanen, the captain of the Haliqani ranked No. 3.

The Sun reported that Rashford in Manchester United weekly salary of 200,000 pounds, but it is reported that the contract extension negotiations will increase its weekly salary to 375,000 pounds, becoming the Premier League's top-paid players, Fook Chai's income in addition to the wave of food, but also other sponsorships and the products he launched the tide of goods, now his fortune as high as 65 million pounds, after the addition of manpower his fortune will be more and more, so that he has more funds to promote charitable causes.

England's second richest man is Stanley Staines, with an estimated fortune of £61 million. His income comes mainly from Chelsea's weekly wage of £325,000, as well as a string of sponsorships, and off the field he is also one of the partners in a real estate company, which has made him a wealthy man.

Captain Haley Carney in the national team rich list ranked third, worth 51 million pounds, with the top two have a distance, all because Haley Carney in Tottenham Hotspur weekly salary of only 200,000 pounds, plus sponsorship income, in recent years, he expanded his personal business, including property rental, and investment in the food business, and so on. However, the most important thing is whether he can transfer, whether to go to Bayern or Real Madrid, to his soccer career is a big breakthrough.

England national team's top 10 ranking in terms of wealth

1. Lashford Pound65 million

2. Staanen Pound61 million

3. Halikani Pound51 million

4. Bickford Pound36 million

5. Lukisal Pound32 million

6. Kiljuiga Pound27 million

7. Jordan Henderson Pound23 million

8. Masonmont Pound20 million

9. Kialisu Pound20 million

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