Real Madrid announced on Monday that it would not buy any more players this summer after loaning 33-year-old center forward Zusano to Espinoza. However, the outside world is half believing this, because Real Madrid's target also has Halikani and Kilian McBarbee, it is estimated that the old Buddha's move is to retreat for progress.

After the exit of the UEFA Europa League, Real Madrid immediately started to form an army, and the progress is very fast, after the signing of Fran Garcia, Bachir Dyas, Zudi Binningham, and the last Zusnu, and at the same time, send away Binschmann, Chasseur, and other old generals. Real Madrid's major acquisition this summer is actually only one Zudibiningham, the transfer fee of more than 100 million euros, but after the departure of Binschmar's striker vacancy, has not been filled.

Although Pirizi stated that Real Madrid has completed the formation of the army, this summer will not buy, but we are listening to the first, the matter of Real Madrid if you want to buy, for example, want to buy Haliqani or Kilian McBarbee, at any time you can negotiate, the above two strikers cost a lot, but only 1 year left on the contract, Real Madrid announced at this time to drop the gate will not buy, most likely a bargaining tactics, forcing Tottenham Hotspur and Paris Saint-Germain soften their attitudes, to reduce the cost of the game. The price will be reduced to let them go.

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