Liverpool, who still have a glimmer of hope for the UEFA Europa League, host Aston-Villa, who have been on a downward spiral. Liverpool have won all of their last 7 matches, and in 4 of those matches, they have taken the lead at halftime, with their midfielders taking turns to play and make their opponents defenseless. Villa have only won 2 of their last 5 games, and have lost 2 in a row on the road. They may not be able to withstand the Reds at halftime, so a home win at halftime is a good bet. (Live on Now 622 Saturday at 10pm)
Liverpool's last visit to Liverpool City was a 3-egger, accumulating 7 consecutive league victories. Team leader Gopper said that even if the situation is passive, he will try his best to get 6 points from the remaining two EPL matches, and wait for Newcastle or Man U to lose their points in the 3rd and 4th places, so the team will have a chance to get on top later on.
In fact, the Reds have scored 20 goals in the last 7 matches. Apart from Mohamed Sana, Gap, Diego Zuda and Gudis Jonsson are taking turns to score, making the opponents tired. The team will try to get the score up as soon as possible, so that the four players can be brought in at the end of the match to receive the applause of the fans.