In the Premier League on Saturday night (20), Liverpool's seven-game winning streak was snapped with a 1-1 draw at home to Aston Villa thanks to a goal by Roberto Falmino, who played his last game at Anfield, but the Reds' win at Brentwood over Brentwood on the other side of the pitch did not give them much optimism for the next UEFA Europa League qualifying round.
Liverpool's manager Gopal was suspended and could not supervise the team from the sidelines. In the first half, their offense did not get into the meat, and defender Ibrahim Kannadi was sentenced to 12 yards for infringing on the opponent in the penalty area, which was a pity that Villa's scorer, Onychukens, had a feast for the visitors. However, the first half of the game was not as good as the fifteenth, Jack and Lance scored a wedge goal to open the record. In the second half, the Reds actively counterattacked, Gap in the melee quickly shot through the net, but teammates Wahkil Yundi Jike offside in the first, eaten the store fraudulent, previously announced the end of the season departure of Roberto Falmino, the end of the standby to come down, receiving Mohammed Sana wonderful pass to equalize, to snatch a point.