Premier League powerhouse Liverpool issued a statement on Thursday (18) confirming that four players, namely James Mina, Robert Falmino, Naby Kidd and Alex Chamberlain, will leave the club on a free agency basis after their contracts expire this summer, and that the team will hold a farewell ceremony for the four players on Saturday (20) at the last home game of the season.

The 4 departed players have played nearly 1,000 games for Liverpool, among them Robert Tufamino has already indicated that he will leave at the end of the season and is rumored to have been selected by Barcelona and other giants, while James Mina has been rumored to be moving to Brighton, and Liverpool has confirmed the departure of this 37-year old veteran, which has greatly increased the chances of a transfer. As for Alex Chamberlain and Nabil Kida, they have been plagued by injuries in recent years and have not had many chances to play, so their departure is also expected.

Liverpool's performance has been declining this season, and they still have a chance of competing in next season's UEFA Europa League. It is expected that the team leader, Kopp, will make a big change in the summer, and it is reported that the club is looking for Argentinean midfielder Alex McAlexander, with a transfer fee as high as 80 million pounds (about 780 million Hong Kong dollars).

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