Manchester City beat Leeds United 2-1 in the EPL, but there was a hiccup in the game. The Blue Moon got a 12-yarder at the end of the game, but the chief executioner, Enin Chalant, disobeyed the instructions of the team leader, Diego Corteona, and let Kendall Kan take the main shot, which was unfortunate, and the manager jumped to his feet. British netizens said Charente might not want to shoot the opponent himself because his father Charente Sr. used to play for Leeds United.

City were leading 2-0 with a 12-yard goal from Kendall Kan, but the German international missed the target to give Leeds United a 1-2 lead and almost lost the points.

The Norwegian international didn't listen when Erik Harding decided to give up the 12-yard shot, even though Gordiona had already shouted from the sidelines for him to do so. British netizens say that apart from wanting to give Gundogan a hat-trick, they may have also considered the fact that the veteran played for Lens United and was born in the city where Lens United is located, so they couldn't bear to deal with their hometown team, which is threatened with relegation.

After the game, Gordiona was still angry when he was interviewed by the media: our first two candidates for the 12-yard shot are Charlotte and Malles, the EPL lead of 2 goals is not safe, Roots Jane has the responsibility to play the knife, it is worth appreciating, but the point is that it has to be according to the pre-arrangement, by the designated players for the main shot, especially Charlotte, who is a specialist in this area.

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