Tottenham Hotspur's players issued a joint statement saying that they were ashamed of the 1-6 defeat against Newcastle, and decided to apologize to the ticket-holding fans by returning the water.

Tottenham Hotspur's unacceptable performance on the day of the defeat saw caretaker leader Stefan Stelliani sacked after the game, although the players still felt ashamed and issued a statement apologizing:

As a team, we understand the frustration and anger of the fans, but there is no point in talking about it, it is very painful to lose this way. We would like to thank you all for coming to the game and we would like to compensate you for the cost of the tickets you bought at St. James' Park. We know that we can't change the fact that we lost, but we will try our best to turn things around in the next game against Manchester United, and we hope that you all will come to the game again, as your support means that we are united and motivated.

Tottenham Hotspur has become such a mess, the players jointly clip the money to compensate the fans, but some analysts pointed out that the real culprit of Tottenham Hotspur is in fact the chairman of the Levy, in the end, it is not ashamed of it?

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