Manchester United's 2 regular midfielders, Ricciardo Martinez and Wahlani, are recovering from injuries, and Harry Muguni will be suspended in the EFL Cup quarterfinals, coupled with the unstable standard of Harry Muguni's fellow players Viktor Dilov, the Red Devils' midfielders are in a crisis. According to the British media, Manchester United boss Tan Hagar has Plan B to save the day, and will use defensive midfielder Kasimiru and left lock Raukisoar to play in the center of the field if necessary.

Rauchisaur has already had a lot of experience playing in the center of the pitch this season, and has performed well. If Tannhäuser moves him into the middle of the pitch, his original left wing position will be taken up by Duvel Malacia. However, Rauchisaur has been injured earlier and has been out of action for almost 2 matches, so it is doubtful whether he can come back in time to play in the center of the pitch.

In addition, Casimiru also has the ability to play in the center, but the team very much needs this Brazilian international in the midfield is responsible for sweeping, and even organizing the attack, if he moved back to play in the center, for Manchester United as a whole, it may not be beneficial, the Red Devils this time a big mess in the center of the shortage of real test up Tan Hagar.

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