China (alternate formal name)

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Ball Association since 2022 financial leverage gradually to the imbalance, the last six months from time to time rumors of salary arrears in the news, in fact, over the past ten years the debt accumulated year by year is huge. In January of this year, Zheng Wenchan retired as Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Wang Linxiang was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors, in order to complete the Chinese

national soccer team

In the process of handing over the ball association's past accounts, the financial affairs of the association were broken for more than a decade. Now the Chinese

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The association was forced to deal with its high level of debt and announced on March 24 that it would stop organizing the youth league this year, which drew protests from a number of clubs and participating parents.

Initially, in October 2019, in the conference room on the 8th floor of the Sports Department building, Mr. Yu Cheng-Hsien, former Minister of Home Affairs and Sports Development Board, served as Chairman, Councillor Kee Ching, Councillor Lim Hwa-Wai, a number of contractors from the Sports Department's Athletics and Schools Sections, and the then-China

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The Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the Association, the then President and Secretary General of the Chinese Senior Secondary Schools Athletic Association, Mr. Hu Jianfeng, and Mr. Ni Chonghua, the parent of the soccer player who was in love with him, together with the author and other people were present at the meeting, and after two meetings of joint discussion, they submitted a report to the then President of the Chinese Higher Secondary Schools Athletic Association.

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Former Secretary General Mr. Fong Ching-yan of the Association requested for the promotion of the Youth League. The Chairman instructed the author to visit the Chinese Football Association at a later date.

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The association met to discuss planning and brainstorm an outline of how the youth league should be handled. The program will run from 2020 to 2022.

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The beginning of the youth league organized by the Association. The author will publish this series of columns one by one in the next few days, in order to eliminate the discrepancy between the information known by the Bureau and the outside, avoid unnecessary and useless arguments and confrontations, and find a reasonable and feasible solution together.

Even though the author later traveled to China

national soccer team

Ball Association, to assist in the planning of the beginning has taken into account the operation of the profit and loss, mentioned that the clubs share part of the league organization or field operations, in order to achieve savings on youth league expenses, and to allow young players participating in the league to learn non-competitive professional matters at an early stage. However, the practical experience of those present in organizing the tournament was limited, and the result of planning the league was too ideal, so on October 23, 2019 by the Chinese

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The ball association according to the proposed program, seeded the rise of the youth league will face outside donations, subsidies for a meager sum of money, but the registration fee did not truthfully respond to the cost of the situation, and ultimately face to the more the scale of the youth league to expand, the Chinese

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The dilemma of the ball association's losses would then continue to increase .......

Regardless of how much personnel expenses are needed for administrative work before the youth league handles the day of the game, just to estimate the handling cost of a single youth league game, we have to add up the field rental fee, field demarcation fee, night lighting fee, insurance fee, basic equipment for the game such as soccer balls and corner flags, and the personnel and physiological expenses of referees, checkers, and guards, and then divide by two, to arrive at the basic cost of each participating team of a single game. The author shares that in recent years, the New Taipei City Tournament has been held in a number of different locations, including the city of New Taipei. I would like to share with you the costs of the New Taipei City Sports Federation Football Committee in recent years, so that you can know that for a youth league with an entry fee of NT$30,000, as long as a single team plays 7 to 8 matches throughout the year, it will not be able to reflect the costs and will be doomed to fall short of the budget!

First of all, no matter artificial grass or natural grass soccer field, compared with children and youth soccer matches for 5 or 8-a-side, the first and second halves of 20 minutes each, the halftime and the change of the field time included, the contract for an hour of 11-a-side soccer field of one-half or one-quarter of the field rental fee; youth league for 11-a-side, the game time including the halftime and the change of the field time of at least 1.5 hours, the cost of field rental is children and youth matches is three to four times the cost of the field. The cost of renting a venue is three to four times that of a children's tournament. Taipei City Government is the only government in Taiwan with a better financial situation, to handle the tournament to be exempted from field rental fees, the New Taipei City Government, even if the natural grass soccer field built on the high beach, but also discretionary fees ranging from 300-500 yuan per day rental fee.

In addition, natural grass soccer field rental before the meeting survey to confirm whether to line, if you want to line the first estimate of the expenses ranging from 5,000 to 12,000 yuan, but the degree of legibility of the line can only be maintained for about a month, assuming that a single month of the weekend are sunny and no rain the ideal state, can be played on the 8 days, a single day, 6 matches during the day, 70-80 minutes of each match, the field fee can be reduced to a single match of The venue fee can be reduced to $333 per game and $167 per team. However, prolonged drought without rain, the length of the rainy season or the frequency of organizing tournaments will affect the condition of natural grass soccer pitches, making the rental cost no less than $300 per single match and per team.

If the youth league were to be held on artificial turf soccer fields, the New Taipei City Government would set the field rental fee at NT$4,000 per four-hour period and per one-period, which translates into an average price of NT$1,000 per hour of artificial turf soccer field rental. This means that the venue fee for each youth league match is $1,500 to $2,000, with each team sharing $750 to $1,000. Since the rental of artificial turf soccer fields needs to be booked several months to half a year in advance, and the two re-elections of the chairman of the board of directors will take place from September 2022 to March 2023, the China National Football League (CNFL) will have to pay a fee of $750 to $1,000 per team.

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The actual secretariat of the ball association is too late to finalize its operations, and the 2023 calendar was almost hastily decided recently, so it is impossible to expect that activities can be carried out as usual before June. The time cost of renting a venue is even more difficult to assess in terms of money, and it is necessary to be familiar with the venue in order to ensure that the causes of the event are minimized and controllable.

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