Ronnie's hassle Kai was recently in the

England Premier Soccer League

U13 National Cup Northern Final for

Manchester United Football Club

The Juniors take the field vs.

Manchester City football club

The result was that Kai scored 1 goal to assist the

Manchester United Football Club

Winning 2-0 to take the Cup will be a national

finals (of a competition)

fire annexation

Arsenal (city in Italy)

After winning the Cup, Kai wrote on his social media sites that he had won the National Cup 2-0.

Manchester City football club

The British media reported that Kai had actually fought in the Manchester Junior Battle last year against

Manchester City football club

The goal was a great shot, and it's even more meaningful to score a goal in the final and win the cup.

Kai is a celebrity in the Junior Racing world because of his father, Ronnie, but he is actually able to serve as the

Manchester United Football Club

The Junior team's mainstay relies on the real thing, as he posted 56 goals and 28 assists last season to break the

Manchester United Football Club

U12 goal scoring record, shoots his old Doe child prodigy style in the year.

In an earlier interview, Kai said that he would be working as a consultant in 10 years' time.

Manchester United Football Club

England Premier Soccer League

He has been working hard for this goal, and his idol is his father: it may be boring, but my inspiration may come from my father, he has helped me a lot, taught me a lot of soccer knowledge, even in the car, listening to him as a coach with the players have benefited.

Although the current effectiveness

Manchester United Football Club

U13, but Kai admits that his favorite team is Ewarton, the club his father played for.

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