Manchester United Football Club

During the run for the fourth title, Tannhäuser is simultaneously rebuilding and replacing its staff, with reports suggesting that a number of redundant staff will be cleared out and Westham is ready to take over the goods, which they hope to receive

Manchester United Football Club

Three players, including Halimaguni, McTomini with

Anthony (name)

Madir, budget

transfer to another club (professional sports)

The fees totaled 65 million pounds.

Football Insider UK reports that Westham leader

Moyes (name)

I've been watching.

Manchester United Football Club

The first target is captain Harry Makouni, the expensive midfielder has been relegated to the back-up this season, rumor has it that he will be the first to be released.

Manchester United Football Club

The intention is to sell him at half price, but his value is falling lower and lower, and Westham intends to press the price to £30 million to make an offer.

Moyes (name)

Another acquisition target is the midfielder McDonald McDonald, mainly used to replace the inevitable departure of Diglan Rice, McDonald McDonald's chances of playing under the coaching of Tannhäuser, there is a chance that this summer will be sold, the price of about 20 million pounds, Westham can afford to range.

The last department

Anthony (name)

Mardil, who was originally highly regarded by Tannhäuser, but unfortunately suffered from frequent injuries to his glass feet.

Manchester United Football Club

There's a good chance he'll be replaced by another winger, and Madill is not out of the way, with an estimated price tag of £15m, which would be best suited to Westham in the next gear.

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