Manchester United Football Club

This season's results are much improved, and even a strong contender for the

England Premier Soccer League

Champions, to attract the attention of the fans, the club immediately seize the opportunity to plunder the water, decided to increase the price of season tickets next season by 5%, is also the first time in nearly 11 years the Red Devils raise the price of season tickets.

Manchester United Football Club

After 11 years of freezing season ticket prices and working together with the fans, the club has suddenly announced a price increase for the next season. The club explains that it is due to the rising inflation, which has increased the club's costs, and that the operating costs on matchdays have already increased by 40% compared to 5 years ago, and the costs for the past December alone have increased by 12%, so the club has no choice but to increase the price of the season tickets. After the increase, fans will have to pay 1 to 2 pounds more per match on average, but the club claims that it has already understood the burden of the fans, and the increase is only moderate.

some analysts say

Manchester United Football Club

It will be sold and has a good chance to be acquired by Qatar Consortium, it should sign more stars next season, which will greatly increase the selling power, and in recent years, there are quite a few fans who are dissatisfied with the management of the owner's family, the Glasha family, boycotting the admission to watch.

Manchester United Football Club

Once the club changes ownership, it is believed that they will re-enter the game, and the Red Devils will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to increase their season ticket sales to boost revenue.

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