Real Madrid (soccer team)

Liverpool (England)

Having been arch rivals in recent years, my former rivals, the Galaxy, have the clear edge in terms of head-to-head record.

Since 2018.

Real Madrid soccer team

They've beaten the Reds in two UEFA finals and one in the last eight, so there's no doubt in my mind that they're the best team in the world.

Real Madrid soccer team

There will be quite a psychological advantage.

Vinz Oszulia scored the winning goal in last season's UEFA Europa League final, and I think he's a dangerous player this time around. Due to

Liverpool (England)

Right tackle Alexandre Arnault, who often goes up for assists, will be open behind him, and when

Real Madrid soccer team

After grabbing the ball, the Brazilian international was able to make a breakthrough from this position.

The midfield ratio is also quite crucial. Both armies play a 4-3-3 formation, but I don't think the

Liverpool (England)

In this position, it's just as strong as it's ever been, so if the

Real Madrid soccer team

Being able to control the center of the midfield, they will be able to give the home team a hard time.

this season

Liverpool (England)

The biggest change is the combination of the frontline Iron Triangle. Previously

Real Madrid soccer team

The threat of Shadio Vinny needs to be taken into account, but the Reds now have a new frontline combination of the young and dynamic Gap partner, Davin Nunes, plus Mohamed Sana.

While I don't think a forward line led by Sara, Garp and Pronis would be as intimidating as Sara, Vinny and Firmino in their heyday, they definitely have the ability to make a difference.

Real Madrid soccer team

The defense is causing problems, and I'm sure they will continue to improve in the time to come.

The Reds' leader, Gopper, will be eager to win at home and take the lead into the visit to the Stade de la Bannabe.


They'll be on the attack in the second leg. I believe the Galaxy will be able to withstand the pressure and continue to gain the advantage they had against the Reds and come back with a win.

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