Olympic Games previous soccer champions: 1, 1st 1896, in the 1st Athens Olympic Games Denmark won the championship with a 15:0 victory over Smyrnaeus.

2. The 2nd Olympic Games were held from May 14 to October 28, 1900 in Paris, France.


Result: Great Britain won the championship with a 4:0 victory over France.

3. The 3rd Olympic Games were held from July 1 to January 29, 1904 in St. Louis, USA.

Result: Canada also won the mattress championship with a 4:0 victory over the United States.

4. The 4th Olympic Games were held from July 13 to October 29, 1908, in the UK

London, capital of United Kingdom


Results: Great Britain 1st, Denmark 2nd, Netherlands 3rd.

5. The 5th Olympic Games were held from June 29 to July 22, 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Results: Great Britain 1st, Denmark 2nd, Netherlands 3rd....

6. The 6th was suspended due to the outbreak of World War I. 7. The 7th Olympic Games were held from April 20 to September 21, 1920 in Antwerp, Belgium.

Result: Belgium 1st, Spain 2nd, Netherlands 3rd.

8. The 8th Olympic Games were held from May 3 to July 27, 1924 in Paris, France.

Results: 1st place Uruguay, 2nd place Switzerland, 3rd place Sweden.

9. The 9th Olympic Games were held from June 28 to August 12, 1928, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Results: 1st place Uruguay, 2nd place Argentina, 3rd place Italy.

10. No soccer team competed in the Olympics in the 10th.

11. The 11th Olympic Games were held from August 2 to 16, 1936 in Berlin, Germany.

Results: 1st Italy, 2nd Austria, 3rd Navette.

12. The 12th and 13th sessions were discontinued due to the Second World War.

13. The 14th Olympic Games were held from July 29 to August 14, 1948 in London, England.

Results: 1st Sweden, 2nd Yugoslavia, 3rd Denmark.

14. The 15th Olympic Games were held from July 19 to August 3, 1952, in Helsinki, Finland.

Results: 1st place Hungary, 2nd place Yugoslavia, 3rd place Sweden.

15. The 16th Olympic Games were held from November 22 to December 8, 1956 in Melbourne, Australia.

Results: 1st place USSR, 2nd place former Yugoslavia, 3rd place Bulgaria.

16. The 17th Olympic Games were held from August 25 to September 11, 1960 in Rome, Italy.

Results: 1st place former Yugoslavia, 2nd place Denmark, 3rd place Hungary.

17. The 18th Olympic Games were held from October 10 to 24, 1964 in Tokyo, Japan.

Results: 1st place Hungary, 2nd place Czechoslovakia, 3rd place Germany.

18. The 19th Olympic Games were held from October 12 to 27, 1968 in Mexico City.

Results: 1st place Hungary, 2nd place Bulgaria, 3rd place Japan.

19. The 20th Olympic Games were held from August 26 to September 11, 1972, in Munich, Federal Republic of Germany.

Results: 1st place Poland, 2nd place Hungary, 3rd place Democratic Germany and the former Soviet Union (tied for 3rd place).

20. The 21st Olympic Games were held from Ming 17 to August 1, 1976 in Montreal, Canada.

Results: 1st place Democratic Germany, 2nd place Poland, 3rd place former Soviet Union.

21. The 22nd Olympic Games were held from July 19 to August 3, 1980 in Moscow, former Soviet Union.

Results: 1st place Czech Slovaks, 2nd place Democratic Germany, 3rd place Soviet Union.

22. The 23rd Olympic Games were held from July 29 to August 11, 1984 in Los Angeles, USA.

Results: 1st place France, 2nd place Brazil, 3rd place former Yugoslavia.

23. The 24th Olympic Games were held from September 17 to October 2, 1988 in Seoul, South Korea.

Results: 1st place USSR, 2nd place Brazil, 3rd place Germany.

24. The 25th Olympic Games were held from July 25 to August 9, 1992 in Barcelona, Spain.

Results: 1st Spain, 2nd Poland, 3rd Ghana.

25. The 26th Olympic Games were held from July 19 to August 4, 1996 in Atlanta, USA.

Results: 1st place Nigeria, 2nd place Argentina, 3rd place Brazil.

26. The 27th Olympic Games were held from July 19 to August 4, 2000 in Sydney, Canada.

Results: 1st place Cameroon, 2nd place Spain, 3rd place Chile.

27. The 28th Olympic Games were held from August 13 to August 29, 2004 in Athens, Greece.

Results: 1st place Argentina, 2nd place Paraguay, 3rd place Italy.

28. The 29th Olympic Games were held from August 8 to August 26, 2008 in Beijing, China.

Results: 1st place Argentina, 2nd place Nigeria, 3rd place Brazil.

29. The 30th Olympic Games were held from July 27 to August 12, 2012 in London, England.

Results: 1st place Mexico, 2nd place Brazil, 3rd place South Korea.

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