Arsenal team leader Adidas earlier after the contract extension, ready to make a big move this summer, to enhance the strength of the team's foot soldiers, the Daily Telegraph said that the 40-year-old Spanish manager intends to play the card of friendship, to fight for the signing of the

Manchester City football club

Wing Staanen.

Stauning has 1 year left on his deal, but

Manchester City football club

The 27-year-old England international still has not renewed his contract, and the news is that Adidas wants to take advantage of the situation and invite him to join the Arsenal once the renewal of Staanen's contract fails.

Aditya served from 2016-19 as a

Manchester City football club

The assistant coach, who has a good relationship with Stanning and understands his style of play and strengths, believes that this wing forward can enhance Arsenal's attacking power.

Since Nakkasidi and Nikitia may leave Arsenal as free agents this summer, if Staanen joins the factory, he should be able to sit in the regular selection, which is better than Ijia's.

Manchester City football club

With the cold shoulder of the manager, Gordiona, especially after the arrival of Aynin Chalainte, the playing time of Staanen may be further reduced, and I believe he will be happy to move to Arsenal.

Add to that the fact that Adi Da is under the tutelage of Gordiona, and the apprentice is open to the sound, and the Gothamist may be willing to let Stauning go.

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