How did 516 dollars a day come about?15,500 divided by 30 days. That's still because in 2018 under all kinds of persecution

women's soccer

The contenders made it to the Asian Games quarterfinals.

If you were on the men's soccer team today, sorry, you'd be worth only 9,500 divided by 30 days, 316 a day in the eyes of the Athletic Department.

It is also because of this that Qiu Yiren, who took over as the

soccer league

After the chairman of the board of directors, even in the face of the huge debts left behind by his predecessor, he insisted on using self-financing to make up to a thousand dollars a day to the players, and set the standard of the appearance fee, that is, he believed that this is the basic respect for the players. Otherwise, the players have to abandon their families for ten days to get only three to five thousand subsidies, this is what the martial law era of tolerance for the logic of the country.

But that's the current logic of how Taiwan's competitive sports budget is used.

Life is truly amazing, and certain stories that have been part of it always get re-folded in unexpected places, like this one

women's soccer

The cost of representative team training is an example.

In fact, not too long ago, remember that baseball national team training 200 dollars a day of news, right, that is I went all the way from the office of commissioner Hsu Chih-chieh to the office of commissioner Huang Guoshu title, three years of exchanges, the two commissioners may add up to more than ten times of questioning, in the Sports Department of a variety of sworn resistance to the progress of the table below.

It went from two hundred a day to three hundred a day.

"As long as he's not in school or employment, he can have 45,000 a month! As long as he's a good medalist, he'll get more! We have the world's highest Kokusai bonus! We have the world's highest bonus!" These are the responses that will always be heard, no matter how much the discussion goes on.

From the beginning to the end, I was actually not in the same channel of discussion with the Sports Department. They were thinking about heavy rewards, centralized management and not allowing athletes to receive double pay.

But my question is always the same: Where is the 'basic responsibility' of the country to these athletes who are in the name of the 'nation'? Instead of talking about the amazing prizes for those one-in-a-million elites, what has the country done for the other grassroots athletes who have been selected and are not sure if their hard work will pay off? Or is it just a matter of gambling with youth? And the day the family and social responsibilities arrive, is the time to retire?

To put it more simply, for those athletes who are obviously capable and willing to go to war for the country, even for those who may not be able to win medals, what exactly is our guarantee mechanism, 9,500 a month, or else they have to resign? What is our guarantee mechanism, 9,500 a month, or we have to quit, or we have to go back to eating ourselves without any cushion once the competition is over? Or are we going to continue to link the athletes' contribution only to national justice, ignoring the value of athletes as laborers?

Seriously, it doesn't have to be much, $30,000 a month is not too much for a professionally skilled laborer. And from two hundred a day to three hundred a day, if I remember correctly, the expenditure of the Sports Department has been raised from two hundred million a year to three hundred million (but our National Light Bonus alone is more than two hundred million a year on the burner), and after the President shouted for the sports budget to be doubled, the current budget of the Sports Department's one-year official family fund has reached twelve billion dollars, but they are just all programmed, and the low rate of implementation has been constantly being pointed out in the budget reviews of the past few years.

Why would the Sports Department prefer to let the budget go unimplemented rather than give athletes the bare minimum? Seriously, after all these years of this question, I still don't get it.

There are so many topics that can be extended from this question. Why does Taiwan always have only student athletes? Why don't we have a sports industry? Why is it that when we go to the national team, we only see state-run teams and rarely see private companies?

From the legislature to the professional baseball union to the

soccer league

I am grateful to every local governor for accepting my capriciousness, but actually I think my logic is the same: Can't Taiwan really be more friendly to athletes? Is the light of the world that grows out of such a system really something for this country to be proud of, after all the systems we've used to disable these young people's ability to socialize in any way?

From two hundred a day to three hundred a day, thanks to the two legislators spent three years of hard work, members are embarrassed to say, but the Sports Department said it was like a great benevolent policy. But when will our country be able to really see grassroots athletes, not just those who see the light of Taiwan, perhaps this is also the day when Taiwan's sports development can really get out of the shadow of the country.

Highlights of the National Training Center's international multi-sport training competitors' expenses

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