Gordiona suddenly broke the news a few days ago that the whole of England was in favor of it.

Liverpool (England)

Speech, absolutely not nonsense, following his years of media disclosure, brother Shuai has always had a twitter secret account, the role is to monitor the speech of netizens, this practice by coaching Barcelona era has begun.

Many media reported that Gordiona is very sensitive to online comments and various criticisms, many years ago has opened a twitter account, used to fast to see the reaction of netizens and comments, especially for their own message, to receive different information.

Precisely because she knew what was going on outside, when the

Manchester City football club

After a 5-0 win over Newcastle, it was noted that the whole of the UK was behind the

Liverpool (England)

The fans are all in the media.

At the press conference after the match, some media asked questions

Manchester City

I was so happy to win 5-0 against Newcastle after the UEFA Europa League exit that I was asked: "Do you have any doubts? You are

Liverpool (England)

Fans? The reporter answered that he supports

Manchester United Football Club

And the Gothic Handsome replied, I'm sorry!

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