Manchester United Football Club

The 3-0 win over Brentford was the last home game of the season, and Lengyel, who has a good chance of leaving the club at the end of the season, was only in the reserves and did not get to say goodbye to the fans. His brother blasted the Red Devils after the game for their ruthless approach.

Manchester United Football Club

The youth-trained Lenger deserved a better parting, but caretaker leader Ranilic countered that there was nothing wrong with what he had done.

The 29-year old Lian Ger, who was 8 years old in the

Manchester United Football Club

The Red Devils' youth army, the Red Devils, are a true Red Devils, but their performance in recent seasons has been unsatisfactory and they have been relegated to the fringes of the team, and they are about to leave the team on a free agency basis after completing their contract at the end of the season. However, in the last home game of the season, which was won 3-0 by Binford on Tuesday (3), the caretaker leader Ranilic used Nemanjamadi and Sangmadha to play for the team, and preferred to replace Kavanagh and Phil Jones in the latter part of the game, but did not exchange Liange to enter the game at Otford and say goodbye to the fans, and after the game, it was criticized by Liange's brother, who said: "20 years of hard work and sweat, four local championships, three goals in the finals, and all of them were not exchangeable for a farewell ceremony". The game was a goodbye ceremony.

Asked about Lengyel on Friday (6), Lanlick said that there was nothing wrong with what he did: firstly, in the last few weeks, I have used him more than before; and secondly, before the match against Chelsea, he took a leave of absence due to family reasons, which I approved.

The German coach added that he could not satisfy everyone as a coach: There were three substitutions for the game, and I had to decide between Cavanagh, Lengyel and the younger Garnacha, and I would have liked to make all three substitutions at the same time, but because of the rules, I decided to make the switch to Cavanagh. He also said that he doesn't spend much time on social media: "There are always people who share their feelings on social media on these days, but the most important thing for me is not to pay too much attention to these things".

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