Arsenal mid-field new stars appear, Gabil Martini, Bucayo Shaka, Imee Luwei outstanding performance, so that three years ago to £ 72 million from Lille to join the arsenal of Nicolas Bibi become redundant, the leader of the Adidas hope that this summer to sell this water goods, to raise funds to buy other positions players, the arsenal in order to complete the sale as soon as possible, only asked for £ 25 million transfer fee, compared to that year's purchase price erosion of nearly 65%. 65%.

Nicolas Bibby this season

England Premier Soccer League

Only 17 appearances, 12 of which were in reserve, scoring only 1 goal, and the last time he played in a regular match was in October last year, so he is obviously not trusted by Adidas.

With 20-year-old starlet Bukayosaka in great form and a certainty for the right wing, the 26-year-old Nicolas Bibi's prospects of staying in the team are even more bleak, and a return to the team would be good for both the club and himself.

Arsenal is now looking for a buyer, and apart from a big cut, they don't even mind selling Nicolás Bibi to others.

England Premier Soccer League

Rivals, it is reported that the same London club Westham have a hobby of signing this Ivory Coast international, but Nicolas Bibby weekly salary of up to 140,000 pounds, if he transferred may need to reduce labor.

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