Manchester City football club


Liverpool (England)

With the fierce competition in recent years, the top 2 players, Gordiona and Gopp, have always sympathized with each other and praised each other's pressure to make them better. With Gopp's contract extension

Liverpool (England)

By 2026, the British media claimed that Gordiona had also agreed to work with the

Manchester City football club

The contract was renewed, and if both sides continue to lead the team, fans will be able to watch 4 more years of peak matchups.


Manchester City football club

The contract was originally due to expire in 2023.


Newspaper reports.

Manchester City football club

The team has managed to convince the manager to extend his contract until 2025, with a one-year rider to extend his contract. Sources say that the extension is the key to the team's plan to acquire Enincharlant, and the signing of Enincharlant has made the team a major player in the league's history.

Manchester City football club

The fact that his long-term development is guaranteed is also the reason why Gordiona agreed to stay on as coach.

After Kopp's contract extension, Gordiona was asked if he would follow through with the contract extension, and he said, "No, honestly I'm just focusing on the last 3 weeks of the season, I don't have time to think about anything else. According to reports

Manchester City football club

We will wait until the end of the season to announce the contract extension of Gordiona.

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