West Ham replaced the injured Ogbonna with Dawson in the 22nd minute. In the 32nd minute, Henderson's cross from the left side of the penalty area was headed over the crossbar by Wakita. In the 35th minute, Chamberlain's cross from the left side of the penalty area was headed over the crossbar by Arnold from the top of the penalty area.

41st minute.

Liverpool (England)

The equalizer came when Arnold flicked a free kick, Salah stepped on it, and the Red Army Prince rubbed a shot from the top of the box into the top right corner of the net, 1-1.Arnold captured his first goal of the season.

In the 45th minute, Henderson passed straight to Mane and his shot from the penalty spot was blocked by the defense. Because Ogbonna continuous injury, the first half of the extra time as much as six minutes. In the seventh minute of extra time, Sauchek brought down Wakita and received a yellow card. In the 53rd minute, Arnold's free kick pass was cleared by the defense, and Henderson's shot from the top of the penalty area was again blocked by the defense.

At the end of the first half.

Liverpool (England)

1-1 West Ham away into the interval.

The second half resumed with a change of ends. In the 50th minute, a corner kick from the left side of Fornals was headed in by Rice, which hit the crossbar and bounced out. In the 52nd minute, Robertson crossed the ball from the left side of the box, Mane's overhead kick was parried by Fabianski in front of the penalty area. In the 55th minute, Arnold picked out a pass, Salah's shot from the right side of the penalty area was blocked by the defense. Arnold then received a yellow card for a tactical foul on Benrahma. In the 56th minute, Benrahma crossed from the right side of the box and Dawson's header was confiscated by Alisson.

In the 57th minute, Chamberlain shot from the top of the penalty area to the left of the arc was blocked by the defense, and then Mane returned to the bottom line of the left side of the penalty area inverted triangle, Salah shot over the crossbar from the penalty spot. In the 65th minute, Johnson's 35-meter shot went wide of the left post.

In the 67th minute, West Ham once again established the advantage, Bowen counterattacked straight, Fornals single shot from the top of the penalty area, Alisson pounced on the ball, but could not prevent the ball from flying into the net, 2-1!

England Premier Soccer League

Ball 4.

Liverpool (England)

Substituted Thiago for Chamberlain. In the 69th minute, Henderson crossed the ball from the right side of the box and Wakita hit the left side of the net with a header at the back post.

West Ham extended their lead in the 74th minute when Bowen's corner kick from the right was headed into the back of the net by Zouma to make it 3-1!

England Premier Soccer League

First ball.

Liverpool (England)

Origi replaced Wakita in the 76th minute and then Takumi Minamino replaced Fabinho in the 78th minute. In the 82nd minute, Salah inverted a triangle pass from the right side of the penalty area and Thiago's low shot from the right side of the penalty spot was confiscated by Fabianski.

83rd minute.

Liverpool (England)

Closing the gap, Henderson passed straight to Arnold, who made the ball, and Origi turned left in front of the penalty spot and fired a shot into the bottom right corner of the net to make it 2-3!

England Premier Soccer League

First goal, 3rd in all competitions.

West Ham replaced Bowen with Cao Farr in the 84th minute and then replaced Benrahma with Masuaku. In the first minute of added time, Arnold's cross from the right side of the top of the penalty area was headed just wide of the right post by Mane at the back post. In the fourth minute of added time, Arnold crossed from the right side of the field and Origi's header was confiscated by Fabianski.

In the end.

Liverpool (England)

Suffered their first defeat of the season, 2-3 away to West Ham.

Both sides came out in formation:

West Ham (4-2-3-1): 1-Fabianski/3-Cresswell, 21-Ogbonna (15-Dawson 22'), 4-Zouma, 31-Johnson/41-Rice, 28-Sauchyk/22-Benrahma (26-Masuaku 86'), 8-Furnalls, 20-Bowen (5 -Cao Farr 84')/9-

Anthony (name)


Liverpool (England)

(4-3-3): 1-Allison/66-Arnold, 4-Van Dijk, 5-Konate, 26-Robertson/14-Henderson, 3-Fabinho (18-Takumi Minamino 78'), 15-Chamberlain (6-Tiago 69')/11-Salah, 20-Jota (27-Origi 76 '), 10-Mane

Technical calculations on both sides:

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