North Korea men's World Cup best-ever result

North Korea Men's World Cup Best Finish

North Korean men's World Cup best finish of eight.The North Korean men's soccer team advanced to the last eight of the 1966 World Cup with a 1-0 win over Italy in the final group stage match, but did not qualify for the quarterfinals.

The 1966 World Cup was the first time that the North Korean team participated in the World Cup, and their debut brought a surprise to the fans all over the world, but also added to the glory of Asian soccer, creating the best record of Asian men's soccer in the history of the World Cup.

North Korea is unfamiliar to other World Cup teams, so it was inevitable that they would be arrogant, but they lost to this brand new team in the match. One of the hardest hit was the European powerhouse Italy, who met North Korea in the last game of the group stage and could have advanced to the last eight after defeating them, but in the end, North Korea beat Italy 1-0 to advance to the World Cup final.

It was a whole new level for the Asian team, not favored by any media and most fans, losing, then drawing and then advancing with a desperate win over Italy, the very storybook campaign was almost like the ups and downs script of a movie or TV drama, which has been enjoyed by fans for years.

It's been 44 years since North Korea appeared in the World Cup finals again after this glory. In the 2010 Korea-Japan World Cup, South Korea advanced to the quarterfinals by virtue of their home field advantage, breaking the Asian soccer record set by North Korea and producing a brand new record. However, compared to the South Korean team, the first victory of the North Korean team is more memorable, the first time out of the game has played an excellent record, the country itself is not strong, but the players are very hard work spirit, which is the ability of soccer to make people's blood pounding.

North Korea reached the 2010 World Cup in South Africa once again, but unfortunately finished 4th in the group stage and did not qualify.

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