After Rosicky's return to the fold, Borek Dodzikar had high hopes from Czech soccer, becoming the center of Jarolim's and Šiljavi's pre-series buildups. Even though Dodzikar traveled to

China Super League (soccer league)

Gold Rush, his position has not wavered. No one would have thought that such a "Chosen One" would fall through the cracks without injury!

European cup (e.g. soccer)

The list. Behind this seemingly unexpected result is the convergence and convergence of manager Hirshavi to the tradition of Czech soccer: the veneration of affirmative collectivism, even at the cost of abandoning the best individuals.

In his late sixties, Silhavi was a fringe international for Czechoslovakia.


After coaching, he served as a long time helper of the meritorious coach Bruckner, and when he waited to start his own business, he twisted and turned in many places, finally winning wide recognition in Slavia Prague.

In September 2018, the Czechs were defeated by Ukraine and Russia

Roth (name)

In a dangerous time, Hirshavi took over from Jarolim and became the head coach of the national team. At the beginning of the position, Shirhavi to be safe, in the tactical play and team building ideas and the previous dynasty is not different, such as the main 4231 formation, and give Dodzikar plenty of trust. Hirshavi in charge of the first four games, Dodzicar are in charge of the favorite No. 10 position, but also was awarded the captain's armband.

But after that, Dodzicar was out for a long time due to a ruptured Achilles tendon, which made Hiljavi resolute in his determination to tactically innovate and push for rejuvenation. During the European Championships, he made a breakthrough with rising star Klaar, and in addition to new captain Darida as well as

England Premier Soccer League

Outside of the bruiser Sauchek, he has used local powerhouses such as Hollesh and Shevchik in the middle of the midfield.

The final result is a testament to Hiljavi's meritocracy and ability to lead the team. Czechs advance without Dodzikar

European cup (e.g. soccer)

The main tournament; the originally aging formation, also gradually rationalized, the

European cup (e.g. soccer)

The average age of the lineup is 27, and the oldest, Vaclik, is just 32.

With good results to back him up, Silhavi was able to build a formation completely according to his own will, and because Dodzicar refused to play as a wingback, he decided to abandon it, "Abandonment of him is simply for technical reasons. When choosing a player, we have to consider the whole team and choose the right player for us. Unfortunately, Dodzicar did not meet our requirements, and abandoning him was the most difficult decision for me, because I personally have great respect for him."

It's worth noting that the Czech team initially released a roster of only 25 players, due to the fact that Hirshavi reserved a seat for Ondrej Kudla (who was sentenced to a 10-game ban for racial discrimination). But the wait didn't pay off, as Kudla lost his appeal and will ironically not be able to participate in the

European cup (e.g. soccer)

.. After that, instead of calling up a center back in the right place, Hiljavi gave the only remaining spot to defensive midfielder Sadilek. Last season, Sadilek joined Liberec on loan from Eindhoven, and in 23 matches, he scored five goals and two assists, and although he has been selected for the national team, he has yet to record a goal.

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