Manchester United Football Club

Former boss Jose Mourinho has now announced an offer to former Argentina international goalkeeper Sergio Romero, who was this week

Manchester United Football Club

Officially released from his contract and will be leaving Old Trafford, while Roma expect him to join on a free transfer.

Romero anon didn't do anything for the

Manchester United Football Club

Having played, he has spent the last six months in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, sitting on a £70,000-a-week wage. That's because

Manchester United Football Club

Salon rejected Everton's request to bear all the wages of the lease the previous year, attempting to force the other side to spend £ 10 million to buy out Romero, and ultimately this request naturally did not get accepted. Romero is very resentful, and Solskjaer can not use the Argentine goalkeeper, so the salon had to keep him a year for nothing.

Carlos Muizzi (1961-), Portuguese footballer, coach of the National Football League (NFL)

Having insisted on starting Romero over De Gea in the 2-0 win over Ajax in the 2017 UEFA Cup final, the maniac now wants to take Romero back to Italy, where he'll be coaching Roma next season, and where Romero also played for Sampdoria for four years in former times

Serie A

.. Roma are looking for an experienced goalkeeper to take on Spanish goalkeeper Paulo Lopez, veteran

Anthony (name)


Milan (Italy)

With Te now out of the saloon, Romero is a good choice.

Romero, 34, has other invitations to Argentina's Boca Juniors and Competition Salon, as well as the

England Premier Soccer League

Everton and even

Serie A

(used form a nominal expression)

Juventus, Italian football team

, are interested in him. But Romero probably expects to work again with

Carlos Muizzi (1961-), Portuguese footballer, coach of the National Football League (NFL)


Manchester United Football Club

Goalkeeper De Gea also revealed that he wished Romero well after his return to the team, and although the two are rivals, the Argentine international goalkeeper has always been willing to act as a substitute for six years, and they have a good connection. Good luck, Chickie! De Gea posted a photo with Romero on the social networking site and wrote, I wish you success, my friend. You deserve to be treated favorably in your new response. Enjoy the rest of your career.

De Gea has been criticized for failing to save any of Villarreal's 11 penalties and conceding a penalty in the UEFA Cup final. But goalkeeper coach Gavino Rodriguez, who worked with him at Spain's Under-21 national youth, thought that

Manchester United Football Club

The coaching staff is the biggest offender.

I've always thought that the team is a true reflection of the manager's temperament. Look at Sir Alex Ferguson, he wouldn't be so kind. But Ole (Solskjaer)'s

Manchester United Football Club

Softer than a muffin, David (De Gea) is also accepting the results of the defense's shortcomings. Coach Rodriguez says you need to defend the goal, but

Manchester United Football Club

The disorganization between the midfield and the fullbacks was uncontrollable. Basically, Ole's team has fatal defensive shortcomings, the two center backs are too slow and uncommanding, and the rest of the team is well aware of this.

The biggest problem is Solskjaer's tactical setup.

Manchester United Football Club

The shortcomings in defense exposed De Gea's shortcomings and Ole's perfomance didn't convince me. Anon.

Manchester United Football Club

, Roy Keane and Scholes not only control the game but do the dirty work and are the backbone of the defense. In Ole's team, the most active in defense was actually Cavani!

Rodriguez also backed De Gea to be Spain's first player in the

European cup (e.g. soccer)

of the starting goalkeeper: in Spain, everyone is talking about Simon, but in my opinion, De Gea is the

European cup (e.g. soccer)

The undisputed number one goalkeeper.

David is a very focused, relaxed and proud man who doesn't stress himself out or embody any tension. But he is also an alpha. Working with him is a great fun for all coaches. He has no complaints and is truly eager to learn. He repeats the why and what of every drill to learn how to move forward. His career shows how superb he is, it's just that people like to point fingers once he's underperforming. Let's not forget he's still only 30 years old and has a lot of time on his hands for a goalkeeper.

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