Alphabet Boy

Padded Irving incident

Alphabet pads Irving's injury

The Alphabet kicked Irving in the Eastern Conference semifinals of the 2021 NBA Playoffs between the Nets and the Bucks.

of the series. Specifically in the G4 game.

At that time, halfway through the second quarter of the game, Irving cut into the basket to receive the ball to complete the layup, but in the landing stepped on the foot of the letter brother and sprained. Irving then lay on the ground very painful struggle, and then accompanied by staff directly back to the locker room to check treatment. At halftime, the Nets official news, Irving because of ankle sprain, out of the game.

The incident caused widespread controversy and discussion, with many believing that Alphabet's action was suspected of padding. Before Irving's injury, the Bucks were leading the Bucks 2-0 in the series, but after Irving's injury, the two sides played to a steal seven, and finally the Bucks took the steal seven in overtime and eventually won the championship.

expanded material

In the game of basketball, the "pads" are a controversial and dangerous maneuver.

It usually involves a defensive player putting his or her foot under an offensive player's foot as the offensive player jumps up for a shot or layup. When the offensive player lands, there is then a high risk of stepping on the defensive player's foot, which can lead to a sprained ankle or even worse injuries for the offensive player.

This type of action is often considered unethical because it can cause serious damage to an offensive player's career, as well as violating the spirit of fair play in sports.

that's all...

Which game did Alphabet pad Irving?

The answer, you want to know more about the tournament information and team data can pay attention to this site.

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