Du Feng how much annual salary

How much is Du Feng's yearly salary

Du Feng's annual salary is 3.5 million RMB. As the meritorious coach of Guangdong men's basketball team, Du Feng has led Guangdong men's basketball team to win the CBA championship for many times in the past year, and there is no doubt about the coaching level of Du Feng's. The annual salary of Du Feng is considered good among the coaches of CBA. The annual salary of Du Feng is considered good among the coaches in CBA, of course, Du Feng's income is not only the head coach of Guangdong Men's Basketball, but also the national team.

head coach, as well as bonuses for what the GD men's basketball team has accomplished over the past few years.

CBA coaches, the highest annual salary is Beijing Holdings head coach Marbury, it is reported that Marbury can get 9 million yuan annual salary, but the achievements of Marbury with the team is obviously not worth the price, I believe that soon Beijing Holdings should not renew the contract with Marbury, or will reduce the annual salary of Marbury. In addition, Liaoning Bensteel's head coach Yang Ming's annual salary is less than 900,000 yuan, which is still very surprising, after all, as the team won the championship meritorious coach, Yang Ming should be able to get the CBA top level of the coach's annual salary. However, although the annual salary is not high, but with the Liaoning men's basketball team won the championship, Yang Ming should still be able to get a lot of bonuses.

For the development of the CBA, the head coach is also a very important part of the CBA in recent years, the CBA's foreign coaches less and less, the domestic coaches gradually on the throne, which for the development of the CBA or a certain amount of benefits. First of all, foreign coaches have problems in communication, the interpreter is not necessarily able to fully convey the meaning of the head coach, in addition to domestic coaches for domestic players is more understanding, in favor of the development of these young domestic players.

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How much is Du Feng's annual salary

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