In the 8th round of the Finnish Superliga, Sänäjörn won 4:0 away from home.
Lahti (name)
.. Below are the game stats and basic information about the players who played in the game.
: Lahti 0-4 Sennachon
Date of Competition
: May 28, 2024
Lahti starting lineup
(Average age: 22.9 years, total value: 70.0 million euros):
goalkeeper (soccer, hockey etc)
: Joshua (jersey number: 1)
rear guard
: Axeli (jersey no. 29), Matias (jersey no. 21), M. Viticu (jersey no. 4), Julius (jersey no. 16)
middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)
: S. Hiland (jersey number: 8), Samuel (jersey number: 6), Boubacar (jersey number: 5)
a forward (sports)
: Oso (jersey number: 11), Asad (jersey number: 24), Colin (jersey number: 7)
Pablo (jersey no. 26) Nick (jersey no. 22) Osku (jersey no. 31) Marius (jersey no. 20) Tomi Janti (jersey no. 17) Vilho Huovila (jersey no. 23)
Sennacherib's starting lineup
(Average age: 22.6 years, total value: 45.0 million euros):
goalkeeper (soccer, hockey etc)
:: Ropp (jersey number: 1)
rear guard
: Kelvin (jersey number: 4), Farrow (jersey number: 44), Weir (jersey number: 17)
middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)
: Dario (jersey no. 26), Salim (jersey no. 15), Valentin (jersey no. 8), Babacar (jersey no. 2)
a forward (sports)
: Perry (jersey no. 10), Gamme (jersey no. 9), Kasper (jersey no. 37)
Miguel (jersey no. 25) Karjalainen (jersey no. 7) Otto (jersey no. 16) Lauri Lane (jersey no. 14) Itu Mommer (jersey no. 11) Kingsley (jersey no. 21) Marcus (jersey no. 18)
Senachon (name)
Displaying excellent offensive and defensive performances, they outscored their opponents, Lahti, 4:0.
Lahti (name)
Failed to find an effective offense in the home loss.