In the 17th minute corner kick battle, Gonzalo Ramos with extraordinary calmness and precision, from a seemingly hopeless dead corner shot into the individual World Cup first goal, which not only makes him at the age of 21 years and 169 days to become the youngest goal scorer of Portugal in the knockout rounds, but also broke a dusty record. Turning to the 33rd minute, Pepe scored a header with an amazing bounce to help Portugal take a 2-0 lead and also set a new record for the longest age to score a goal in a knockout match, which was when he was 9 years and 283 days old. ! [Moment Gonzalo Ramos scored]( The stage belonged entirely to Gonzalo Ramos as the match resumed. 51 minutes in, Gonzalo Ramos scored twice in a row with a clever assist from Dalot. Then, in the 55th minute, Gonzalo Ramos sent another precise pass to Guerrero to complete the breakthrough. In the 67th minute, he made it 4-0 with a powerful shot, a hat-trick that was not only the first of its kind in this World Cup, but also the first since the 1990 World Cup in Italy. ! [Gonzalo Ramos Hat Trick Moment]( In the second half, Léo was also on fire, with a precise shot that sealed a 1-0 win for Portugal. After this game, Portugal advanced to the World Cup quarterfinals for the third time in their history, with the previous two coming in 1966 and 2006 respectively. The victory also brought an end to their four-game losing streak in the knockout rounds. Their next opponent in the quarterfinals will be Morocco from Africa, who were eliminated in Spain, and the two teams will battle it out for a place in the quarterfinals.
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2022年11月23日,日本足协正式对外公布,届时将率队远征葡萄牙波尔蒂芒,展开一场与葡萄牙U21的友谊赛。日本U21的主教练大岩刚激动地表示:“在西班牙之行之后,能与葡萄牙这样的强队较量,我充满期待 -
在当前赛季的赛程中,李梦雯共为巴黎圣日耳曼女足登场6场,其中不乏以首发出战的高光时刻,共计两次。 -
在风云变幻的足球赛场上,最新消息传来:国际足球组织于10月26日揭幕了2023年澳新女足国际杯的小组赛日程,我国女足的征程亦随之浮出水面,D组的首战时间亦已尘埃落定。我国女足在此次赛事中,将与实力不俗 -
10月24日,一则消息在《足球报》上引起了广泛关注。鲁能足校技能总监西蒙在接受采访时,提出了一个颇具争议的观点:借鉴葡萄牙足球的成功经验,让中超的预备队或许二队加入联赛。以下是西蒙的详细论述:西蒙指出 -
10月25日夜晚,2022赛季中超联赛第19轮的补赛悉数落幕,18支球队共完成了21场比赛。在本轮的补赛中,武汉三镇以4-0的比分大胜大连人,山东泰山则以3-0的战果击败广州队,三镇凭借3分优势继续领 -
10月25日,17时30分,中超联赛第19轮的一场关键对决,上海申花与广州城展开激烈角逐,最终1-1握手言和。比赛尾声,朱建荣一记精彩点球,为申花带来宝贵的平局。赛后,上海申花主教练吴金贵在新闻发布会 -
在即将到来的10月25日,北京时间午夜0时45分,巴黎女足将面临欧冠联赛小组赛第二轮的挑战,她们将踏上客场征途,直面劲敌皇马女足。赛前,巴黎女足正式发布了22人参赛名单,其中中国球员李梦雯与杨莉娜赫然 -
10月25日,我国体育界迎来重大消息。国家体育总局、教育部、财政部联合我国足协共同签署了《我国女子足球变革发展蓝图(2022-2035年)》。《足球报》分析认为,我国申办2031年女足国际杯的胜算颇高 -
在足球赛场上,地缘政治的复杂性犹如一场无形的较量。我们来看看,哪些国家的足球队伍将构成我们的挑战。二级队伍中,日本、塔吉克斯坦、澳大利亚与印度尼西亚实力不俗;而三级队伍中,约旦、中国、伊拉克和越南亦不 -