Duliyan revealed that Liu Yi is not the mastermind of Oscar, however, there is one thing that is certain - the agent of Hulk's manager, Holabuqin, who is in control of Oscar, will be able to make a good profit from it.
Why is this conclusion reached? Take Oscar as an example, what kind of income did he bring to Holabuzzin? First of all, in the transfer fee, Oscar joined the harbor transfer fee of up to 60 million euros, if calculated according to the 10% commission rate (in practice may be higher), then the commission is 6 million euros (about 46 million yuan). In addition, Oscar also needs to pay 3% of the agent's fee every year (in practice the commission rate may be higher). His annual salary after tax is 24 million euros, which means that he needs to pay 720,000 euros per year, eight years of cumulative agency fees amounted to 5.76 million euros (about 44 million yuan). Therefore, Holabuzzin can profit at least 90 million yuan, which is only Oscar's transfer and agency fee income. It is worth mentioning that Oscar is not the only deal Horabchin has made in Hong Kong. He also helped Hulk to reach a 55.8 million euro transfer. A couple of Hong Kong deals down the line and the agent earned a huge contract.