The 38-year-old Nani, the former Manchester United winger who was once known as "Cron's successor", waved goodbye to his boots on social media, marking the end of his nearly 20 years of brilliant soccer career; during those years, he followed Cron's footsteps to Manchester United and became the first member of the "Cron's successor" team. In those years, he followed Cron's footsteps to Manchester United and became the first member of "Cron's successor". However, Cron himself did not stop there, he is still fighting on the green field, while Nani has announced his retirement.

In a farewell statement on his personal social media sites, Nani wrote: "On my last day with the team, I decided to end my career. It has been a wonderful journey. I would like to thank all those who have guided me, helped me, and weathered the storms with me throughout my 20+ year career. I have countless precious memories. Now, I turn the page on a new chapter in my life, focus on new goals and dreams, and goodbye!"

Nani began his career at Staatin, following in Cron's footsteps at Manchester United in 2007, where he spent eight seasons, winning four Premier League titles, a Europa League title and a world championship. As Cron's "first successor", he took over the captain's armband in the 2016 UEFA Europa League final after Cron left the field injured and led the team to the title. However, compared to Cron, his personal achievements seem to be slightly less impressive.

The latter part of Nani's career saw him make his mark in the USL and the AFL. The last game of his career was for Emadora in the Portuguese Super League. The moment his retirement was announced, Manchester United's official website released a photo of Nani hitting a backflip as a tribute to the legendary player. His iconic backflip celebration became the hallmark of his soccer career.

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