At dawn on Tuesday, the English Football Association launched the third round of the tournament draw, a highly anticipated focus of the match will be played between Arsenal home and Manchester United. This "fairy fight" will naturally attract the attention of countless fans. Meanwhile, Liverpool, Manchester City and Chelsea all beat British B teams at home. Everton's battle with the Premier League is also of interest, with former Manchester United star Ashley Younger expected to play with his son in a "father-son battle".
Rubin Emolian's arrival as Manchester United manager has seen the team quickly return to a gritty form. However, he has been challenged at the start of his English soccer career as he faces 14-time league leaders Arsenal. The two teams will meet in the Premier League in the early hours of Thursday morning, while the weekend of January 11th will see the pinnacle of English soccer. In addition to the 'fairytale', the other Premier League fixture in the third round will see Aston Villa host West Ham United.
As for the giants of the English Premier League, they all drew the "upper hand", Liverpool, Manchester City and Chelsea are at home against teams in the second division, including Manchester City versus Shafter City, Liverpool versus Accrington and Chelsea versus Moore Gambie. This year's third round of English soccer has seen the abolition of the replay system, whereby matches that are drawn will go into extra time and ultimately be decided on penalties, in order to ease the pressure of the fixtures.
In this circle, a much talked about battle is about to take place. Everton host Petersburg in what promises to be a "father-son battle". Everton's 39-year-old star Ashley Younger, whose 18-year-old England international son has also joined Pittsburgh. Younger officially joined Petersburg this summer and made his professional debut in October. If Younger is deployed, he will have the chance to realize the historic "father-son battle". Ashley Younger commented on social media after the draw: "Wow ...... dreams can come true! #cockpuncher moment #Younger vs Younger!"