Lister City suddenly announced the departure of Captain Guba and the team instantly launched a search for a new coach. Meanwhile, Younesdale, who has just stepped down from Manchester United, has quickly risen to become the new potential helmsman of the Foxes, ranking just behind Parker and Moyes, thanks to his multi-disciplinary reputation.

After Tannhäuser's departure, Yunisdale had served as caretaker captain at United, leading the team to a record of 3 wins, 1 draw, 3 victories and 1 loss, and seemed to have shown his magic once again. However, with the arrival of new coach Ruben Emolian, Yunisdale was unable to stay and he bid farewell to United last week.

It has been reported that Yunisdale is actively looking for a new coaching position and has already submitted an application to Champions League side Govanelli, but deep down he still aspires to take charge of a Premier League side.

The managerial seat at Leicester City is currently vacant and Park Darling is considered the favorite to take over at 2.25 times the odds, followed by Moyes at 2.75 times the odds. Wennesdale is a close second at 3.75 times the odds. Even though Tannhäuser has joined the shortlist, he looks unappealing with 34 times the odds, and his chances are slim to none.

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