Attention! Ruben Emolian will soon take charge of the Manchester United coaching whip, the British media revealed that the 39-year-old Portuguese coach plans to recruit Kio Kinis, Morton Huwent and dry card Luenasio three capable assistants, remodeling the team's core strength. But given the tight budget of Manchester United this summer, some of the existing players may need to leave the team, in order to realize the lineup renewal.

Looking back, Rubin Emolian has built a strong squad that has contributed to United's brilliant record, and he plans to continue recruiting his old guard, with Kiokinis undoubtedly the first choice. The 26-year-old Swedish star scored 43 goals in 50 matches last season and has contributed 16 goals so far this season, which is amazingly efficient. The Arsenal player, who has been dubbed the "new Ibar", is expected to be the new centerpiece of the team after Ruben Emolian joins United.

The 25-year-old Morten Huvent, as captain of the Sting, specializes in defensive midfield, and is just the right man to fill the void left by Casimiru. He and United's striker Helen are both Danish internationals, which is good for team integration. 23-year-old Giancarlo Ennaceo, a Portuguese star, is expected to strengthen United's defense.

However, Ruben Emolian will have to sell some of his players to raise funds if he wants to sign three players. Casimiru, Anthony Mafios, Mason Monte and others may be sacrificed, and Rashford may even face relegation.

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