At dawn on Tuesday (29), Paris, France will welcome the annual Ballon d'Or gala, with the awards ceremony being the first to be unveiled in cyberspace. In a tightly contested race, Real Madrid took two of the top three spots, with Yunis Oszulia leading the list with 630 points.
According to an early reveal in the Spanish media, Yunis Oszulia is expected to take home the Ballon d'Or, which coincides with a list of predictions on the internet. The 24-year-old Brazilian striker amassed 630 points, followed by Lodi Casciandi, who finished second with 576 points, stepping onto the Ballon d'Or podium for the first time.
Another Real Madrid superstar, Zudi Binningham, narrowly missed out on third place, while last year's third-placed Kilian McBarbie dropped to fourth this time around, and one-time runner-up Ainin Chalante slipped to sixth, just slightly ahead of Halikani. With all the suspense to be revealed, it will be interesting to see if the final result matches the list of predictions on the internet.