In the tumultuous world of soccer, the pay dispute between Kilian McBarbie and Paris Saint-Germain culminated on Friday (25) when the French professional soccer league ruled in McBarbie's favor and ordered PSG to pay up to 55 million euros ($460 million) in unpaid wages with immediate effect.
It is reported that PSG's arrears this time include €36 million in bonuses that were due in February, as well as salaries and additional moral bonuses for April, May and June, totaling €55 million.
Faced with this judgment, the French league's legal committee asked PSG to fulfill its payment obligations within eight days, but PSG has decided to appeal. The incident dates back to August last year, when McBarbie refused the automatic one-year extension clause in his contract, and PSG then placed a ban on him from training. However, shortly afterwards, McBarbie returned to the team, reportedly promising that he would be paid an "exit fee" upon his departure.
However, Mr. McBarbee joined Real Madrid this summer without any restriction, and PSG did not contest the decision. I am convinced that McBarbee violated the agreement, so I decided to deduct his bonus, which led to the lawsuit. Whether or not McBarbee had something to hide is another matter.