Recently, Lusi has been performing like a champ, winning seven consecutive matches in a row, valiantly. Meanwhile, Ukrainian starlet Dmitry Medeljevic has been hiding in the shadows. When he first joined Villa, although he did not play, he has been quietly integrated into the team, and his name is on the list of the four matches, and even on the training ground, it is difficult to find his presence. Ukrainian media revealed that the 23-year-old had been subjected to a drug test at the end of October and is now anxiously awaiting the results of a second one, with dire consequences if the violation is confirmed.

Ukrainian journalist Tsyhanyk recently revealed that while inside information is often available, the official announcement is when the truth comes out. He predicted that the center of public opinion next week will definitely be Medvedev. According to an exclusive report by Tribuna website, the B-sample test of Medilli is about to start, and the discovery of the banned substance will set off a new wave.

Medilli, the youngster who joined Chelsea last year for a transfer fee of 100 million euros, had high expectations when he joined the team in January last year. However, his performance since joining the team has been a huge disappointment, scoring very few goals in the league and none in the Premier League. Prior to Chelsea's win over Binford, team leader Maliska's explanation of the injury list was short and cryptic: "Medhi Ricci couldn't play", without mentioning the exact reason, leaving people speculating.

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