As the clock strikes 2025, the winter transfer door is rapidly opening and a month-long trading frenzy is about to sweep through the Premier League. Top stars such as Mohamed Sanaa, Wah Kilwandi Jaq, Chivan Dibny, Harry Magooni and Son Heung-min have all jumped at the chance to seek a new stage. Real Madrid have reportedly taken the lead by officially signing Liverpool's Alexandre Arnault.
Under Bosman's rules, a player whose contract is about to expire is free to negotiate a transfer with any club during the last six months. A total of 82 players in the Premier League are eligible for such a "free contract". Among them, Liverpool's "1" Mohamed Sanaa, Wahkil Wendicek and Alexandre Arnault have yet to show any signs of renewing their contracts. They will be able to sign with overseas clubs on Wednesday (1), which will undoubtedly become a major attraction in the transfer market.
Apart from Liverpool, numerous stars from Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham and Manchester United are also on the verge of free transfers. For example, Manchester City's Chiyun Dibny and Gendo Simplicity, Arsenal's Thomas Birdie and Zorzino, Tottenham's Son Heung-min, United's international players such as Amit Diarlo, Harry Maguire, Kirsten Allison and Viktor Diluv, as well as eight of Ewarton's starters such as Cavitry Cloud, have become the targets of the various giants' scrambling.
As the transfer window opens, heavy news is coming in. According to The Athletic reports, Real Madrid made a formal offer to Liverpool to acquire Alexandre Arnault this month, but Liverpool have expressed reluctance to let the big man go. It is reported that Arnott and Real Madrid originally planned to free transfer in the summer, but Real Madrid wants to speed up the pace, while Liverpool wants to retain the main force in the bidding sprint, even at the risk of Arnott free to leave the team.
Here's a list of the Premier League's 'free signing' highlights for January:
EWT: Kavitljun, Mikkjeni, Dugoli, Ashley Younger, Izushagur, Smith Gowan
Manchester United: Amit Diarlo, Harry Makouni, Kristian Ericsson, Viktorian Dilov, Johnny Evans.
Newcastle: Colin Wilson, Dubafka, Fabian Schuha, Sann Randolph
Arsenal: Thomas Berdy, Jorzeno Ferro, Kirantayaniya
Liverpool: Mohamed Sanaa, Wahkil Yundi Jaq, Alexandre Arnault
Manchester City: Chiyun Dibny, Gendo Simplicity, Kassian
Tottenham: Son Heung-min, Bin Davies, Ligueran
Wolves: Nelson Schmeido, Lemena, Sarabia
Bradenton: James Miner, Lamptey, Zuerweit
Westham: Danny Eggers, Wardy Megafarl
Lister City: Jimmy Wardy
Fulham: Ruhr Jimenez
Nottingham Forest: Kieswetter