In the past betting extravaganza, a challenging match stood out as the best of the best with the highest odds to win. In this La Liga clash between Bilbao and Betis, betting analysts boldly predicted Betis to come out on top & Bilbao to win by two or more goals, with a whopping 28 times odds. However, it's going to be difficult to guess this combination in a match full of variables, as firstly, you have to accurately predict that Betis will break through first, and then the hosts will need to pull off a comeback and win by at least two goals, which will require a great deal of insight from the forecasters.
The third-ranked Bundesliga match between Hapag-Lloyd Berlin and Gretelhof offers a combination of Hapag-Lloyd winning at half-time & full-time & a full-time total of 5 goals, with equally attractive odds of 25x, although slightly less difficult. Meanwhile, another La Liga highlight, Elavis v Xavier, has attracted a lot of attention with a combination of over 2.5 goals at half time & 4.5 goals at full time, which pays out at 20x and is also quite attractive.