Throughout the ages, the light of wisdom has shone, and Archimedes once said, "Give me a fulcrum and I can pry the whole earth." This wise saying is particularly profound in the interpretation of Barcelona FC President Laporta. Barcelona skillfully used the next 25 years of La Liga TV broadcasting share, a move to raise nearly 600 million euros in cash, which not only for the team to solve the urgent need, but also in the transfer market has more space to play!
However, Barcelona's ambitions did not stop there. They have cleverly opened a third round of leverage operations. According to a reporter following the team, Barcelona is about to sell 49% of the shares of its subsidiaries Barcelona Franchise and Barcelona Studios, a move that is expected to bring in as much as 200 million euros in cash for the team. Once the money arrives, Barcelona will not only be able to quickly solve the problem of salary arrears to players such as De Jong, but will also be able to successfully complete the registration of players for the new season without selling De Jong.